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    DVD Hayastan Grappling by Gokor Chivichyan
    DVD Hayastan Grappling by Gokor Chivichyan

    DVD Hayastan Grappling by Gokor Chivichyan

    48,88 €
    69,83 €
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    Viimeiset tuotteet varastossa
    Turku / Päävarasto
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    Hayastan Grappling by Gokor Chivichyan 2-DVD pakkaus

    Kieli:     Englanti
    Pituus:  160 min. yhteensä kahdella DVD
    Aluekoodi: All region DVD

    Hip movement training drills
    Butterfly guard knee compression
    Straight ankle lock counter
    Straight ankle lock
    Rolling toehold from half guard
    Guillotine transition to neck crank (Manny Gamburyan)
    Single leg takedown counter to armbar
    Single leg takedown counter to americana
    Toehold from half guard on bottom
    Drop seoi nage to inverted heel hook (Karren Darabedyan)
    Kata guruma to inverted heel hook (Karren Darabedyan)
    Guard recovery from side control
    Guard recovery from turtle position
    Armbar from guard when opponent stands up
    Shoulder lock/Toehold variation
    Pendulum Sweep to mount
    Hip bump sweep & armbar from guard
    Secret to finishing the kimura
    Countering opponents guard recovery with an inverted heel hook
    Endless variations
    Bonus levy:
    Gokor Teaching at Hayastan Academy
    Gene LeBell Interview
    DVD Preview
    Budo videos
    1 Tuote

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    DVD Hayastan Grappling by Gokor Chivichyan

    48,88 €
    69,83 €
    Säästä 30%
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